Robert Munro

author • photographer • raconteur

Robert Munro

author • photographer • raconteur

Back at the beginning

I seem to be back at the beginning again. It’s a regular happening in my life. Likely hood is that it is a regular happening in most of our lives if truth be told.

We are such creatures of low attention span that our dreams lie idle while we focus our eyes on whatever latest endeavour or side projects have crept up upon us. It might be children, career, cancer or just plain old gruesome family comedy.

Whatever the reason sometimes we get the opportunity to go back and finish off what we started years ago. To rediscover our passions, to rekindle our love.

So I am starting a blog.

Ok, ok, that all sounds quite a let down I know.

The truth is I have an unfinished novel in me somewhere. More specifically in the bottom drawer of my desk where it has lain for quite some time.

My good and esteemed chums over at Plugin Digital did me a nice site (coming soon) and got me this blog. In return I wrote a couple of bits of scrawl and shot a couple of photo’s for a nice site about the Glasgow Subway – a place I have always really liked anyway.

So here I am with this nice shiny new blog and a chance to once again write something fun for a change. My profession requires me to have some skill in the written word but it is nice to finally have the chance to stretch out in the comfort and freedom of my own little space.

They say it is the start of a journey. That you look forward to the horizon and view the vista’s of where you will go. Me? As I get older I think it just feels like being back at the beginning, wondering where the last journey came unstuck and knowing the trials that lie in wait on the next one.

I might not quite have the space and freedom to finish my novel yet. Too many miles left on the last journey. I do, however, have just enough time for a warm up and have a go at a blog.